​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Post Card
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​​​​​​​Pos​t Card​​

Postcards may be transmitted by post, if it shall conform to the following conditions, namely:

  • The postage shall be prepaid in full.
  • The weight of the postcard shall not exceed five grams.
  • Their dimensions shall be 140 mm x 90 mm and they shall have the legend, “Post Card” written in Hindi or English or printed on the address side.
  • As regards substance, they shall be neither thinner nor more flexible than the postcards issued by the Post Office.
  • No postcard shall be folded, enclosed in any cover, cut or otherwise altered except that the impressed postage stamp (if any) may be perforated with initials.
  • The right-hand of the address-side of a postcard is in all cases reserved for the address of the recipient, for the postage stamp or impression of stamping machine necessary for prepayment, which may, so far as possible, be affixed in the upper right-hand corner, and for the postal directions. However, the left-hand half of the address-side, as well as the back, may be used by the sender for the purpose of a communication or single-colour or multi-colour printed advertisement, and the address of the sender may be written on the top left-hand corner of the back, or may be otherwise disposed of, subject to the restriction mentioned in sub-regulation (g):

    Provided that a small space marked off by lines or minute dots to indicate the place where the postage stamp is to be affixed shall be allowed on the upper right-hand corner of the address-side of postcards.

  • Nothing shall be attached to a postcard except:
    • Stamps in payment of postage or other postal fees which shall be affixed only to the address side of the postcard.
    • A gummed label completely adherent to the card, and bearing the name and address of the person to whom the card is sent.
    • A similar label not exceeding 50 mm in length and 20 mm in width bearing the name and address of the sender of the card.
    • ​Engravings, illustrations, drawings, and photographs on very thin paper and completely adherent to the card.

    Provided that the items specified in sub-clauses (ii) and (iii) shall be affixed either to the back or the left-hand half of the address side.