(1) Item containing book, cards, magazines, journals, publications of all kinds, paper, sheets, bills, invoices, reports, or any document of commercial, legal, or personal nature in single or multiple copies, may be transmitted by post as “book post”, subject to the following conditions, namely:
A book post shall not exceed
5 kilograms in weight.
The dimensions of a book post shall be subject to the following maximum and minimum limits:
(i) Maximum:
In roll form –
800 mm
Sum of length and twice diameter:
1000 mm
In other than roll form:
600x300x300 mm
(ii) Minimum:
In roll form –
Single dimension:
100 mm
Sum of length and twice diameter:
170 mm
In other than roll form:
140 mm x 90 mm with tolerance of ±2 mm.
Book post, when sent open in card form, whether folded or not, shall be neither thinner nor more flexible than a postcard.
Book post shall be consigned in an unfastened envelope of the following sizes, provided its dimensions are not less than
140x90 mm and not more than
353x250 mm, with a tolerance of ±2 mm.
The item shall have the inscription
“Book Post” on the address side of the item.
A book post shall be posted without a cover, or in an unfastened envelope, or in a cover under “Book Post,” which can be easily removed for the purpose of examination without breaking any seal, tearing any paper, or separating any adhering surfaces. A packet posted without a cover may not be fastened or otherwise treated so as to prevent easy examination.
A book post shall not contain “paper money,” which, for the purposes of this regulation, includes unobliterated postage or other stamps, hundies, cheques, bank post bills, bills of exchange, and all orders or authorities for the payment of money:
Provided that a book post may contain one stamped and addressed envelope, postcard, or wrapper bearing the name and address of the sender of the packet, or some other person named thereon.
Any document contained in the book post item shall not be addressed to an addressee nor stem from a sender other than those of the item:
Provided that all items posted as book post shall be treated as letter post if the weight is up to
500 gms, or as parcel post if the weight is more than
500 gms.
(2) In case of infringement of any of the conditions mentioned in sub-regulation (1), the book post shall be treated as a letter and on delivery, be charged with double the postage payable on letter or India post parcel according to whichever entails a lower charge (subject to the conditions prescribed for such class of items being satisfied), and any postage paid on it shall be taken into account in assessing the charges.