West Bengal Circle

List of Appellate Authorities
Name Designation Address Pincode Email Telephone Notification
Vacant Superintending Engineer(Electrical), Postal Electric Division, Meghdoot Bhawan, 9th Floor, Jhandewalan, New Delhi � 110 001 Superintending Engineer(Electrical), Postal Electric Division, Meghdoot Bhawan, 9th Floor, Jhandewalan, New Delhi 110 001 seepecndls@gmail.com
Shri S.Kumar Director, Kolkata G.P.O. Office of the Director, Kolkata G.P.O. Kolkata. 700 001 033-2210-5150 Directorkolgpo@rediffmail.com
Shri J. Lalrinsailova DPS(HQ),W.B.Circle, Kolkata � 700 012 5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata. 700 012 dpswbhq@gmail.com 033-2212-0139
D. Turwar Director of Accounts (Postal), General Manager (PA&F), West Bengal Postal Circle Office of the General Manager (Postal Accounts & Finance), West Bengal Postal Circle, Kolkata 700 012 dapcalcutta@gmail.com 033-2212-1656
Vacant. DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle,is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle 5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata 700 012 033-2212-0139 dpswbhq@gmail.com
Shri H. Kalloli Superintending Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan. Office of the Superintending Engineer, Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhavan, 36, C.R.Avenue, Kolkata � 700 012, Telephone No., Email. 700 012 033-2212-0858 Sepcckolkata@gmail.com
Shri T. Mangminthang DPS, Kolkata Region Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata 700012 dpskolkata@rediffmail.com 033-22120889
Shri R. Umrao DPS, South Bengal Region Office of the Postmaster General, South Bengal Region, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata 700012 dopsouthbengal@gmail.com 033-2212-0144
Shri K. Kevichusa DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, 2nd Floor, Siliguri Head Post Office Building, Court More, Kachari Road,Siliguri, Dist. Darjeeling, 734 001 0353-2436700 dpsnbengal@gmail.com
Shri L. Pradhan PMG, North Bengal & Sikkim Region Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri. 734 001 0353-2530871, 2435359, 2435518 bdntnb@gmail.com
Rabi Lama Dy SP Sikkim O/o PMG, Raj Bhawan Gangtok 737103 dpsskm@gmail.com 035922026211, 9002732431
Vacant DPS, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Office of the Director of Postal Services, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair 744101 dps_an@rediffmail.com 03192-230485
Last Updated:21 Mar 2025