West Bengal Circle


Regional Offices
Name Designation Address, email & Telephone No FAA CO / Region Division / CSD / PSD Subject matter dealt Notification
Nihal Randhwa Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, East Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 014 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, East Kolkata Division, 11/1, Dr. Suresh Sarkar Road, Kolkata , 700 014, 033-2284-9003 or 2284-9608, ek014@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of East Kolkata Postal Division.
Meenakshi Das Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 037 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Kolkata Division, 5A, Indra Biswas Road, Belgachia,Kolkata , 700 037, 033-2556-7251, nk700037@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of North Kolkata Postal Division.
Sukriti Gupta Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 029 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Kolkata Division, Kolkata , 700 029, 033-2466-3008 or 2419-7707, sk029@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of South Kolkata Postal Division.
Meenakshi Das Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Central Kolkata Division, Kolkata - 700 007 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Central Kolkata Division, 18, Bal Mukunda Makkar Road, Barabazar Head Post Office Building, 8th Floor, Kolkata , 700 007, 033-2273-5218, sspoc@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of Central Kolkata Postal Division.
Shri R.N. Ram Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Presidency Division, Kolkata - 700 120 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, North Presidency Division, Kolkata , 700 120, 033-2592-6088, ssposnorthpresi@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Barrackpore Overall in charge of North Presidency Postal Division.
Shri A. Sarkar Superintendent of Post Offices, South Presidency Division, Kolkata - 700 144 Office of the South Presidency Division, Baruipur, Kolkata , 700 144, 033-2433-8409, spossouthpresi@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Baruipur Overall in charge of South Presidency Postal Division.
Sri Gouranga Charan Behera Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia North Division, Krishnanagar - 741 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia North Division, P.O. Krishnanagar, Dist. Nadia, 741 101, 03472-252288, sposnadianorth@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Krishnangar Overall in charge of Nadia North Postal Division.
Praddata Kumar Das Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia South Division, Kalyani - 741 235 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Nadia South Division, Kalyani , 741 235, 033-2582-0006, sposnadiasouth@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kalyani Overall in charge of Nadia South Postal Division.
Sri Bhupal Majumder Superintendent of Post Offices, Barasat Division, Kolkata - 700 124 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices,Barasat Division, Barasat, Kolkata, 700 124, 033-25523577, sposbarasat@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Barasat Overall in charge of Barasat Postal Division.
Samar Golder Superintendent of Post Offices, Murshidabad Division, Berhampore(WB) - 742 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Murshidabad Division, Barrack Square (North), Cantonment Road, P.O. Berhampre(W.B), Dist. Murshidabad , 742101, 03482-250 008, sposmurshidabad@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Berhampore Overall in charge of Murshidabad Postal Division.
Samar Golder Superintendent of Post Offices, Birbhum Division, Suri 731 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Birbhum Division, P.O. Suri, Birbhum , 731 101, 03462-255260, sposbirbhum@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Suri Overall in charge of Birbhum Postal Division.
Shri D.N. Prasad Chief Postmaster, Barabazar Head Post Offices, 700 007 Barabazar Head Post Office, Kolkata , 700 007, 033- 2269-3221 , chpmbarabazarho@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of Barabazar Head Post Office.
Sanjay Biswas Senior Postmaster, Alipore Head Post Office, 700 027 Office of the Senior Postmaster, Alipore Head Post Office, Kolkata , 700 027, 033-2479-1644, srpmaliporeho@rediffmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Kolkata Overall in charge of Alipore Head Post Office
Sri Suman Ghosh Dy. Director PO (Admn), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2243-8849, ddpo1adminkolkatagpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata In-charge of Administration Group
Sri Anup Kumar Mondal Dy.DirectorPO(Savings), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2210-5094, ddpo2sbkolgpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata Savings Bank, Pension Payment, Cheque Clearing Section, SBCO.
Sri Kuntal Goswami Dy.DirectorP(Delivery), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata, 700 001, 033-2210-5537, ddpo3deliverykolgpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata Registration Booking, Registration Delivery, Speed Post Delivery/Booking, MPCM, Mail Sorting Section, TRC, Insured Booking/Delivery, Parcel Booking from 1630 Hours to 1800 Hours, BNPL, EPP, B.O.(Operation), Parcel Delivery, M.O.Issue/Payment, IPO/BPO sale & paid.
Smt Sudarshana Sen Dy.DirectorPO (BD&Mkt), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2210-5652, ddpo4bdmktgpkolgpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata Delivery Department, Franking, Deposit Bag, Enquiry including Post-Restante, P.R.Is, Passport, Membership Cards & Off line forms, Pick up, WUMT, Mass Mailing, Counters under Rotunda, Look after all the newly introduced systems relate to increate of Govt. Revenue.
Sri Bhagaban Nayak Dy.DirectorPO (Accounts), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2243-4483, ddpo5acctskolgpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata Accounts Department, Complaints Bureau, Parcel Booking up to 1630 Hours. Look after the departments/sections under the DDPO(Treasury) from 1000 Hours to 1800 Hours during absence to that officer.
Sri Bhagaban Nayak Dy.DirectorPO (Treasury), Kolkata GPO, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Director, Kolkata General Post Office, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2210-5651, ddpo6treasurykolgpo@gmail.com Director, Kolkata G.P.O., Kolkata - 700 001 Kolkata Region Kolkata Treasury, Sub Treasury at Rotunda, Sub Accounts, Parcel, Stamp Sales & Night Post Office from 1800 Hours to till the closure.
Sri Debasish Mukherjee Director of Accounts(Postal), Office of the General Manager (PA&F), West Bengal Postal Circle,Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the General Manager (Postal Accounts & Finance), West Bengal Postal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-22120366, paokolkata@gmail.com Director of Accounts (Postal), General Manager (PA&F), West Bengal Postal Circle,Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata Overall aspects of administration on Postal Accounts & Finance in West Bengal Postal Circle.
Sri Mriganka Kumar Maiti ADPS-I, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700012, 033-2212-0023, adpskr1@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata Staff & Staff Relation, GDS, Establishment & Planning, Recruitment, Investigation & Vigilance
Sri Krishnendu Karmakar ADPS-II, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-1079, adpskr2@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata Savings Bank, Technology, BO Infrastructure, Building, MNOP & BD
Sri Ashis Das ADPS-III, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata, 700 012, 033-2212-0905, adpskr3@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata PG, Mails, Postal Operation, Philately, Budget, RTI Ruling & Appeal and Official Language
Sri Swagata Roy ADPS-IV, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0845, adpskr4@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata Accounts, Budget, Medical, Welfare, Drawing & Disbursement, PLI & RPLI
Smt Mahua Haldar Sr. Accounts Officer/ICO SB, O/O the PMG, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Postmaster General, Kolkata Region, Kolkata, 700 012, 033-2212-0059, sraosbengal@gmail.com DPS, Kolkata Region, Kolkata - 700 012 Kolkata Region Kolkata Existing Regional related work and acting as RIFA
Vacant DPS, Sikkim State, Gangtok - 737 101 Office of the Director of Postal Services, Sikkim State, Gangtok East Sikkim., , 737 103, 03592-202610, dpsskm@gmail.com PMG, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Gangtok Overall in charge of Sikkim Postal Division.
Dr(Smt). A. Saha Chief Medical Officer, P&T Dispensary, Siliguri - 734 001 Postal Dispensary, Siliguri , 734 001, 0353-2421650, PMG, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Overall in charge of P&T Dispensary, Siliguri.
Dr. (Smt). S. Saha Chief Medical Officer, P&T Dispensary, Jalpaiguri - 735 101 Postal Dispensary, Jalpaiguri , 735 101, 03561-230797, PMG, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Jalpaiguri Overall in charge of P&T Dispensary, Jalpaiguri.
Shri Kalyan Dan APMG (Staff) ADPS(PG), O/o.The Chief PMG, WB Circle, Kolkata-700012, 734 001, 033-22120120, adpsstaffwb@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Staff, Vigilance, Investigation, Technical matters relating to the Region.
Sri Shiv Kumar Singh ADPS-I, Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri - 734 001 Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal and Sikkim Region, Siliguri , 734 001, 0353-2435359, bdntnb@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Public Grievances, Business Development, PLI/RPLI, Mails and welfare matters relating to the Region.
Sri Subhas Das ADPS-II, Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal & Sikkim Region, Siliguri - 734 001 Office of the Postmaster General, North Bengal and Sikkim Region, Siliguri , 734 001, 0353-2435518, bdntnb@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Technology, Savings Bank, Building, Establishment, Planning and Implementation of Official Language relating to the Region.
Sri Debjyoti Bhattacharya Superintendent, R.M.S SG Division, Siliguri - 734 001 Office of the Superintendent, RMS SG Division, 1st Floor, Bhawanibhawan, Sevoke Road, Siliguri Dist. Darjeeling,, 734 001, 0353-2436223, srmsgdivision.dop@nic.in DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Overall in charge of RMS SG Division.
Ashok Kumar Gond Superintendent of Post Offices, Jalpaiguri Division, Jalpaiguri - 735 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Jalpaiguri Division, Jalpaiguri, 735 101, 03561-232047, ssposjalpaiguri@yahoomail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Jalpaiguri Overall in charge of Jalpaiguri Postal Division.
Sri Dawa Sherpa Superintendent of Post Offices, Darjeeling Division, Darjeeling - 734 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Darjeeling Division, Darjeeling , 734 101, 0354-2258404, spodarjeeling@indiapost.in DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Darjeeling Overall in charge of Darjeeling Postal Division.
Ajay Sherpa Superintendent of Post Offices, Coochbehar Division, Coochbehar - 736 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Coochbehar Division,Sunity Road, P.O. + Dist.Coochbehar , 736 101, 03582-222451, spostscob@rediffmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Coochbehar Overall in charge of Coochbehar Postal Division.
Somdep Mukherjee Superintendent of Post Offices, Malda Division, Malda - 732 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Malda Division, Malda, 732 101, 03512-252464, sposmalda@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Malda Overall in charge of Malda Postal Division.
vacant Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Siliguri - 734 101 Office of the Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Siliguri, 734 001, 0353-2536588, spospsdslg@yahoo.com, & spsdslg@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, NB&SKM Region, Siliguri - 734 001 North Bengal & Sikkim Region Siliguri Overall in charge of Postal Stores Depot, Siliguri.
Sri Anup Kumar Giri ADPS (MMPO) O/o. The Chief PMG, WB Circle, Kolkata-700012, 700 012, 033-22122519, admmpo1@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Kolkata Overall aspects related to the administration in the office of the Postmaster General, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012.
Subrata Samanta Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Asansol Division, Asansol - 713 301 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Asansol Division, Asansol, 713 301, 0341-2303583 or 2303497, dopasansol@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Asansol Overall in charge of Asansol Postal Division.
Ratikanta Swain Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Bankura Division, Bankura - 722 101 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Bankura Division, P.O.+Dist. Bankura , 722 101, 03242-253312, dopbankura@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Bankura Overall in charge of Bankura Postal Division.
Indradumna Mohanty Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Burdwan Division, Burdwan - 713 101 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Burdwan Division, Burdwan , 713 101, 0342-2662588, burdwandop@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Burdwan Overall in charge of Burdwan Postal Division.
Kalyan Dan Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Howrah Division, Howrah - 711 101 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Howrah Division, Howrah , 711 101, 033-26671289,, dophowrah@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Howrah Overall in charge of Howrah Postal Division.
Guria Kumari Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Midnapore Division, Midnapore - 721 101 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Midnapore Division, Midnapore , 721 101, 03222-275518, dopmidnapore@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Midnapore Overall in charge of Midnapore Postal Division.
Debraj Sethi Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Hooghly Division, Shreerampore - 712 201 Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, South Hooghly Division, Shib Division, Shib Chandra Palit Lane, P.O. Serampore, Dist. Hooghly, 712 201, 033-2662-0587, dopsouthhooghly@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Shreerampore Overall in charge of South Hooghly Postal Division.
Sri Madhusudan Roy Superintendent of Post Offices, North Hooghly division, Chinsurah - 712 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, North Hooghly Division, Chinsurah , 712 101, 033-2680-2311, dopnorthhooghly@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Chinsurah Overall in charge of North Hooghly Postal Division.
Sri Nirmal Soren Superintendent of Post Offices, Purulia Division, Purulia - 723 101 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Purulia Division, Purulia , 723101, 03252-222733, doppurulia@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Purulia Overall in charge of Purulia Postal Division.
Sri B.Das Superintendent of Post Offices, Contai Division, Contai - 721 401 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Contai Division, Contai , 721 401, dopcontai@gmail.com, 03220-255005 DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Contai Overall in charge of Contai Postal Division.
Asit Mohanty Superintendent of Post Offices, Tamluk Division, Tamluk - 721 401 Office of the Superintendent of Post Offices, Tamluk Division, Tamluk , 721 401, 03228-26118, doptamluk@gmail.com DPS, O/o the PMG, South Bengal Region, Kolkata - 700 012 South Bengal Region Tamluk Overall in charge of Tamluk Postal Division.
Sri Alokesh Biswas Assistant Director of Postal Services (PG) ADPS(PG), O/o.The Chief PMG, WB Circle, Kolkata-700012, 700 012, adpgcowb@gmail.com, 033-22120612 DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Public Grievance
Sk Shamim Mehmood ADPS(Estt, PN, P & SR) O/o The Chief PMG, WB Circle, Kolkata-700012, 700 012, 033-22120178, estbwb@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Staff, Establishment & Planning
Sri Swapan Kumar Paul ADPS(Rectt), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0063, adrecttcowb450@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Recruitment
Shri Biplab Kumar Paul ADPS (Bldg) O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012, 700012, 033-2212-0880, adcobldg@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Building
Ankita Chowdhury ADPS(FS), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0219, adsbdop@rediffmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Saving Bank & Financial Services
Sri Sekhar Das ADPS(Court), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 5th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-22120178, adcourtwb@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Office Management & Postal Operation
Sri Tushar Kanti Chowdhury ADPS(Mails and Parcel), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 7th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata, 700 012, 033-2212-1913, wb.circle@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Mail related matters.
Sri Deba Prasad Satapathy ADPS(Inv), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0192, adpsinvco@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Investigation & Legal matters
Sri Hammad Zafar DDM(PLI), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Yogayog Bhawan (1st Floor), Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0710, ddmlikol@rediffmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata PIL & RPLI
Sri Utpal Kumar Roy ADPS(A/cs, Technical & Welfare), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, 6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0003, adawbcircle@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012- West Bengal Kolkata Accounts, Welfare & Philately.
Sri Subhrojyoti Das ADPS (Vigilance), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, 7th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0286, vowbcircle@gmail.com DPS(HQ-), O/o the Chief PMG, W.-B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012- West Bengal Kolkata Vigilance
Sri Arjun Kewat ADPS(OL), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0099, adolwbc@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Implementation of O.L. Policy of the Union.
Sri Sundar Gopal Bhattacharya ADPS(TO), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0691, adtowb@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Technology matters
Sri Shubhendu Banerjee ADPS(BD and philatelly), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B. Circle, Kolkata-700 012 Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata, 700 012, 033-2212-0242, bdcwbc@gmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Business Development
Sri Saikat Dutta Accounts Officer, O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 6th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Office of the Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0130, aobgt@rediffmail.com DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Budget
Sri Rahul Halder Superintendent, PSD, Kolkata Office of the Superintendent, Postal Stores Depot, Kolkata. , 700 002, 033-2557-9060, sppsdkolkata@yahoo.co.in DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Related to Postal Stores Depot, Kolkata.
Shri C. Chattopadhyay Superintendent, CSD, Kolkata Office of the Superintendent, Circle Stamp Depot, 15, Bal Mukund Makar Road, Kolkata , 700 007, 033-2269-6134, spcsdkolkata@yahoo.in DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of Circle Stamp Depot, Kolkata.
Smt. O. Radha Senior Architect, Department of Posts, Yogayog Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700 012 Senior Architect(P), Delhi (holding Additional Charge), Department of Posts, 4th floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110 001, Telephone no. 011-2096072, Email.Madhavinajgaonkar@gmail.com, 110 001, 011-2096072, .Madhavinajgaonkar@gmail.com Superintending Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, 4th floor, P-36, C.R.Avenue, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Architectural design related works
Sri Deepak Kumar Executive Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, 4th Floor, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Superintending Engineer, Yogayog Bhawan, 36,C.R.Avenue, Kolkata, 700 012, 2212-1280, eepcckolkata@gmail.com Superintending Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Maintaining Civil Constructions, Maintenance & Planning related works
Smt Manjurlang Dkhr Executive Engineer, Postal Civil Division No. 1, 3rd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Executive Engineer(C), Postal Civil Division No. 1, 3rd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-1441, eepcd1kol@gmail.com Superintending Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Construction & Maintenance of Civil works.
Shri S. K. Bose Executive Engineer, Postal Civil Division No. 2, 2nd Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Executive Engineer (C), Postal Civil Division No. II, Yogayog Bhawan, 2nd Floor, P-36, C.R.Avenue, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-1189 , skb2477@gmail.com Superintending Engineer(Civil), Postal Civil Circle, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 West Bengal Kolkata Execution of Civil Works viz. Accounts, Staff etc under the jurisdiction of the Division as a whole.
Sri Asit Sarkar Executive Engineer(Elect), Postal Electric Division, 13th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata - 700 012 Office of the Executive Engineer (Electrical), Postal Electrical Division, 13th Floor, Yogayog Bhawan, Kolkata , 700 012, 033-2212-0646, eeepedkolkata@gmail.com Superintending Engineer(Electrical), Postal Electric Division, Meghdoot Bhawan, 9th Floor, Jhandewalan, New Delhi  - 110 001 West Bengal Kolkata Construction & maintenance of electrical installation of departmental building under jurisdiction of Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle, Assam Circle, Orissa Circle & N.E. Circle.
Sri Shrikant Sinha Manager, Mail Motor Services, Kolkata 700 015 Office of the Senior Manager, Mail Motor Services, Kolkata. , 700 015, 033- 2251-0780, mailmotorkol@gmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant.DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of Mail Motor Services, Kolkata and Mail Motor Services, Siliguri.
Debjani Mitra Superintendent, R.M.S H Division, Kolkata 700 004 Office of the Superintendent, RMS H Division, 196, A-G, Arobinda Sarani, Kolkata, 700 004, 033-25558133, ssrmhdn@gmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant.DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of RMS H Division.
Sri Swapan Kumar Ghorai Senior Superintendent, Kolkata RMS Division, Kolkata 700 001 Office of the Senior Superintendent, Kolkata RMS Division, 25, R.N.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata , 700 001, 033-2248-4666, .ssrmkol@gmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant.DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of Kolkata RMS Division.
Sri Mrityunjoy BeraKumar Ghorai Senior Superintendent, Kolkata Air Port Sorting Division, Kolkata 700 028 Office of the Senior Superintendent, Kolkata Airport Sorting Division, 150, Rishi Bankim Chandra Road, Dum Dum P.O. Building, Kolkata , 700 028, 033-25795151, ssrmkolapstg@gmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant.DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of Kolkata Air Port Sorting Division.
Shri Harihar Nayek Senior Superintendent, R.M.S WB Division, Howrah 711 101 Office of the Senior Superintendent, RMS WB Division, Howrah, 711 101, 033-2641-3619, ssrmwbdn@hotmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant.DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Howrah Overall in charge of RMS WB Division.
Rathin Das Superintendent, R.M.SSB Division, Howrah 711 101 Office of the Superintendent, RMS SB Division, 2, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah, 711 101, 033-2641-3619,, srmsbdn@gmail.com DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant. DPS(HQ), O/o the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle, Kolkata 700 012 is vested with the power of DPS(Mails &BD) West Bengal Howrah Overall in charge of RMS SB Division.
Sri Manojit Chandra Superintendent, Foreign Post, Kolkata - 700 001 Office of the Superintendent, Foreign Post, Kolkata, 700 001, icckolkata.wb@indiapost.gov.in, 033-22623935/3936 DPS (Mails &BD), O/O the Chief PMG, W.B.Circle is vacant. West Bengal Kolkata Overall in charge of Foreign Post,Kolkata
Srikrishna Pramanik DSP O/o SSPOs Burdwan Division, 713101, doburdwan.wb@indiapost.gov.in, 0342-2662594 SSPOs West Bengal West Bengal RTI matters
Avijit Dey ASP (HQ) O/o SSPOs Bankapura division , 722101, dobankapura.wb@indiapost.gov.in, 6289857730 SSPOs West Bengal West Bengal RTI matters
Dilip Kr Ghosh DSP O/o SSPOs Midnapore division, 721101, dimidnapore@gmail.com, 9002520141 SSPOs West bengal West bengal RTI matters
Subhas Chandra Das ADPS (PG) O/o CPMG West Bengal, 700012, adpgcowb@gmail.com, 9330570350 DPS HQ West bengal West bengal RTI matters
Roshan Hembram Superintendent of Post Offices, Uttar Dinajpur Division, Balurghat O/o Superintendent of Post Offices, Uttar Dinajpur Division, Vill Narayanpur, P.O. Balurghat, Dist. South Dinajpur, 733134, 033-3523243640 DPS, North Bengal Region West Bengal & North Bengal Region Dinajpur All matters related to the Division
Sri Kutchwa Minz Assistant Superintendent of Posts(HQ), O/o the DPS, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Portblair - 744 101 Office of the Director of Postal Services, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair , 744101, 03192-232346, asposhqan@gmail.com DPS, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Portblair - 744 101 West Bengal Circle Port Blair Overall aspects of postal administration related to Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Last Updated:21 Mar 2025